Labels:clock | crt screen | poster | reckoner | sky | window | windowpane OCR: Qveniew of the Cause-effect Some scient tists arque that the concentration of carhon atmospheric CO2 nit incre have asea dioxide in the atmosphere will have doubled by the vear 2020 of effects and will ing about disastrous clima tic change numer righ JF can expe 10 272#3 tempera tur abou inc: o f the pol wil] wides ead ra changes local 7 723 weather pat rn with record high dua tures and droughts like those 0 the 1930s commonplace Increased tropi ical ac Ni- iso he ohserved with temperature hurricane will pene farther sul 01 higher polar tures Effect 4 will he lramatic increase in the evel much 15 to 25 in the axau 100 year erfect Scientists increaseu atmospnenic bring ahout they number oreffects mean increas Eect2 Ect3 tronical storm warmer result Erfecr4 there next vears